As far as your Maker is concerned, victory is yours always.
Either you are falling or rising, failing or being successful, you can still enjoy triumph by maintaining victorious attitude.
Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 2 Cor. 2: 14
As far as your maker is concerned, victory is yours always.
Either you are falling or rising, failing or being successful, you can still enjoy triumph by maintaining victorious attitude.
Remain in the Lord, always!
Your Lord can never and has never lost any battle. If God be for you, who can be against you? The secret of triumphant living is living in the Lord, always!
So long you remain one with God, your victory is sure.
Know the purpose of trials and temptations. Trials and temptation have come to prepare you for promotion. No test no testimony.
But they can also take your focus away from God, the source of your victory. Wise victors permit oppositions to chase them to God and use trials to bring out the treasures in their earthen body. Like fire, trials bring out the best in our gold.
Know the limits of trials and temptation. Trials and temptations are common and temporary. Every problem and opposition has an expiry date. It is for a moment. Even you have termination day. It is a light affliction compared to the eternal weight of glory waiting whoever will persevere. The good fight of faith is a battle of endurance. The goal is never to give up.
Take the responsibility to face your trials and triumph. Either you call it trial of faith or temptation from the devil, it is your reaction that determines if you will fail or triumph. Stop blaming your parents, partner, peers or other people. Rather choose to make your suffering a stepping stone to success. Winning begins with taking responsibility for your trials and triumphs. Praise on!
Satan’s weapon for defeat is discouragement and doubt.
Triumphant lifestyle praises God and brings Him glory.
Why worrying takes you away from God’s presence, praise takes you beyond his gate into his court.
No wonder many triumphant believers are praise crazy. The joy of the Lord is your strength!